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Pharmaceutical Stability Chambers

Pharmaceutical stability chambers are designed to maintain stable temperatures and humidity levels to test drugs and medicines to determine the conditions needed to store, transport, or produce these medicines and retain their efficacy.

Model Guide


Constant Climate Chamber

Memmert's constant climate chamber is refrigerant-free, low maintenance, energy efficient. Stability testing according to ICH guidelines, perfect for pharma, cosmetics, food and materials stability studies.


Climate Chamber

Perfect for stability testing, unique temperature and humidity control with an air jacket around sealed chamber, in accordance with ICH and GMP.


Climate Chamber with Light

Climate chamber stability tests in accordance with ICH guidelines Q1A and Q1B. Daylight and UV light compliant with standard Illuminant D65.


Peltier Cooled Incubator

Memmert's energy-efficient line of Peltier cooled incubators with set point temperature range 0C to +70C ensures sample quality in microbiology, food and beverage industry. This model line is best at bacteria count determination, cultivation studies, stability and aging test and shelf life tests.

SingleDisplay vs TwinDisplay

Our products are equipped with AtmoCONTROL technology that has programming functions depending on which display you select:


  • Manage and organize data
  • Save log files in several formats
  • Monitor up to 32 devices online
  • Automatic alarms sent to your email when conditions are out of spec

Additional features with TwinDISPLAY

  • Archive of ramps and program sequences
  • Real-time view of program sequences
  • Loops can be inserted within a temperature control program at any place
  • Download and manage programs via Ethernet or USB
All Categories | All Products | Climate Chambers | Uses | Pharmaceutical Stability Chambers

Pharmaceutical Testing Chambers in the Medical Field

Pharmaceutical stability chambers are used in labs to ensure over-the-counter and prescription drugs are safe for consumers by testing shelf life, storage and packaging conditions before products reach consumers. Pharmaceutical stability chambers help scientists and drug developers understand how long drugs remain potent and safe, as well as any special conditions under which drugs need to be safely stored. Any drug or substance seeking FDA approval must complete stability testing to achieve compliance.

Programmable Lab Equipment

Our products are equipped with AtmoCONTROL technology that has programming functions depending on which display you select:



  • Manage and organize data
  • Save log files in several formats
  • Monitor up to 32 devices online
  • Automatic alarms sent to your email when conditions are out of spec


Additional features with TwinDISPLAY

  • Archive of ramps and program sequences
  • Real-time view of program sequences
  • Loops can be inserted within a temperature control program at any place
  • Download and manage programs via Ethernet or USB
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Sally Catlett

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