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Memmert Histology Chambers

Memmert histology chambers or paraffin ovens (UNpa) are designed to have homogenous temperature and humidity—perfect for storing paraffin wax and samples at specific temperatures to maintain stability. Features include:

Model Guide


Natural Convection Paraffin Oven

Designed for safety, high-precision temperature control of embedding medium like paraffin or wax.

SingleDisplay vs TwinDisplay

Our products are equipped with AtmoCONTROL technology that has programming functions depending on which display you select:


  • Manage and organize data
  • Save log files in several formats
  • Monitor up to 32 devices online
  • Automatic alarms sent to your email when conditions are out of spec

Additional features with TwinDISPLAY

  • Archive of ramps and program sequences
  • Real-time view of program sequences
  • Loops can be inserted within a temperature control program at any place
  • Download and manage programs via Ethernet or USB
All Categories | All Products | Climate Chambers | Uses | Histology Chambers

Programmable Lab Equipment

Our products are equipped with AtmoCONTROL technology that has programming functions depending on which display you select:



  • Manage and organize data
  • Save log files in several formats
  • Monitor up to 32 devices online
  • Automatic alarms sent to your email when conditions are out of spec


Additional features with TwinDISPLAY

  • Archive of ramps and program sequences
  • Real-time view of program sequences
  • Loops can be inserted within a temperature control program at any place
  • Download and manage programs via Ethernet or USB
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